How do I install EndNote using the QUB download option in Windows?
For a visual guide to installing EndNote, click the link at the end of this answer.
The download page will give you the option of downloading EndNote 21. EndNote 21 is the current version of EndNote, but Clarivate continue to support the previous versions. System compatibility details for EndNote 21 are available here.
Full details on EndNote Windows compatibility are available here.
Stage 1: Download the EndNote installation folder
Go to the EndNote download page, sign in with your QUB credentials, and click the Windows Download button.
This will add a zipped EndNote folder to your Downloads. To install EndNote you need to unzip/extract the downloaded folder.
Some browsers may prompt you to run or open the installer before it is extracted – please ignore these prompts and download or save the file.
Firefox you will give a prompt like the one below. Select Save File and OK – the zipped folder will be saved to your Downloads folder:
Chrome will automatically save to your Downloads folder and will display an icon in the bottom left corner of the window to confirm:
Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer will display the following prompts – click on Save (the Endnote folder will be saved to your Downloads folder):
Stage 2 – Extract the zipped folder
Go to your Downloads folder. Right click on the Endnote V9 zipped folder and select Open with > Windows Explorer
From Windows Explorer select Extract:
From the Extract menu select Extract all:
When prompted save the extracted folder:
Stage 3 – Running the installer
Open the extracted folder and double click on the ENX9Inst file and follow the installation instructions. NB all Microsoft Office applications must be closed for installation (including Outlook).
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