
Can I get a Medical Library book sent to the McClay Library for collection?

Answered By: Customer Service Desk (Medical Library)
Last Updated: Jul 10, 2024     Views: 681

You can ask for a book from any branch of the Library (i.e. McClay, Medical or Biomedical) to be sent to another branch if it is more convenient for you to collect the book from there.

For example, Medical Library books can be sent to the McClay Library, as long as there are no copies of the book already in the McClay (in which case, you would be expected to use/borrow the McClay copy).

To arrange this, contact the Customer Service Desk in the McClay, Medical or Biomedical Libraries, and ask them to have the book sent to the branch of your choice.

Remember, you can also return books to any Library branch - e.g. you can return a Medical Library book to the McClay.

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