It is possible to copy references from a Word document into your Endnote Library if the document citations were created using Endnote. This may be useful, for example, if a colleague wishes to share references with you. In Endnote this facility is called the ‘traveling library’. There are two ways to do this: from Word and from Endnote.
From Word:
- From Word go to the Endnote tab and select Export to Endnote > Export traveling library > [select your Endnote Library] > OK
- The references will then be exported into your Endnote Library. If you wish to view the references as a group before they are integrated with your existing references, you will find them in the Imported references and Unfiled folders, as well as the All references folder.
Alternatively, from Endnote:
- Open your Endnote Library and the Word document
- From Endnote go to: Tools > Cite while you write > Import traveling library [select your Endnote Library] > OK. The references will be imported as above.
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