
I am trying to view my British Library document but keep getting a blank page. Help!

Answered By: McClay Library ILL
Last Updated: Aug 07, 2023     Views: 98

You are trying to view your British Library document using the account you registered for via British Library On Demand. However, the Adobe Reader opens, but the document doesn't display. You get a blank page.

There are a couple of options to try and resolve this issue:

  • Use a different browser, like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
  • If your browser has an in-built pdf viewer, you will need to disable it. This applies to Google Chrome.
    • To disable this, type chrome://plugins into the address bar in Chrome and click on disable in the Chrome PDF viewer section
  • In some browsers you may be asked to choose Adobe Reader from the 'open with' options before opening your document.

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