
I still can't get access to Library eresources?

Answered By: Resources Electronic
Last Updated: Mar 21, 2025     Views: 284

If you would like advice on the best way to access resources in general or advice on how to access a particular resource please contact your Subject Librarian

If you know how to access but you are experiencing a problem which is preventing you from accessing a resource please provide: 

  • details of what you are trying to access, including search terms (e.g. author, article title, journal title, year, page number)
  • description of how you tried to access the resource (e.g. QUB Library Search, Journals Search, QUB LibGuides, database, Canvas etc.)
  • whether you are on campus or off campus
  • what browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge) you are using 
  • and a print screen of the error page (Alt + PrtScr)

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