How can I combine Word documents to have one single reference list?
Answered By: Colleen Tierney
Last Updated: Sep 04, 2024Views: 75
You may work with several separate Word documents that forms a larger piece of work, for example, chapters of a thesis. If you would like to combine these to create one long document that contains one reference list at the end, you will have to merge them:
Save a copy of all Word documents you want to merge
Open each document
Go to the EndNote tab
Click on Convert Citations and Bibliography
Select Convert to Unformatted Citations
Once you have carried out the steps above for each document, the in-text citations will then appear in curly brackets, for example, {Alander, 2015 #13960}. The reference list will also disappear.
To merge each of these documents:
Open a new blank Word document
Highlight and copy the content of each document and paste it into the new blank document
Continue copying and pasting each document in the order you want them to appear
Once finished, go to the EndNote tab
Click on Update Citations and Bibliography
Save the new document
The in-text citations should then be reformatted and a single reference list will appear at the bottom of the document in your chosen style.