How do I export references from Ovid databases to EndNote?
Answered By: Colleen Tierney
Last Updated: Sep 12, 2024Views: 96
The Ovid platform hosts many databases including:
Maternity & Infant Care
HMIC (Health Management Information Consortium)
Social Policy and Practice
To Export records to EndNote from Ovid databases:
From your search results page in the database, select the records you want to export. To select individual references, tick the box next to the title or to select all references tick the All box on the grey bar above the results:
Then click on Export:
In the pop-up window, under the Format drop down menu, select RIS (you can also choose what Fields to export):
Then click on Export:
A RIS file will be created containing your exported records, depending on your set up you can either open this in your browser or from your Downloads folder.
References will then appear in the Imported References section in EndNote