
Where can QUB eresources be accessed from?

Answered By: Resources Electronic
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2024     Views: 249

You can access QUB eresources both on campus and off campus (from home).

Once you are logged on to a computer on campus, there are some QUB eresources that do not require a login, either in the Library or Computer Labs.

If you are using a computer off campus (from home) then you should QUB Library as a starting point and follow the links to QUB eresources.

To access certain university resources securely, setting up Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required.
Please visit instructions for information on how to set up MFA

Sign in using your student or staff email address or full username 
e.g., or


Microsoft Azure sign-in with email address in name inputted


Microsoft Azure sign-in with email address in format inputted


Approve the sign-in request using the Authenticator app.


Approve sign-request screen requesting to open authenticator app and enter number displayed


If you experience problems, please email eresources

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