How do I find a Queen's thesis?
If you're looking for a thesis by a Queen's student, you can search for it using Library Search.
To find a thesis, go to the Library homepage and use the the Library Search box to search for the thesis title, or type keywords to find all theses whose titles mention those words. Click Search.
Search results can be fine-tuned to show theses by clicking the filter Dissertations and will show QUB theses only, by using the filter ‘author/creator’ and selecting Queen’s University Belfast as the author.
The results highlight if the thesis is available as a hardcopy, electronic copy (direct link to the Research Portal), or both. Queen's hardcopy theses are kept in the McClay Library store and can be requested using either the Request buttons in the catalogue or printed forms which are available from the Customer Service Desk on the Ground Floor of the McClay Library. Note our born-digital theses collection, alongside digitised theses, are available directly from Queen’s University Belfast Research Portal, these items are discoverable via Library Search.
Please note: It can take several weeks after submission for a Queen's thesis to appear on Library Search.
For more information on finding theses, particularly those by students at other universities, click the link below to visit our Theses LibGuide.
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