Answered By: Richard Fallis
Last Updated: Oct 29, 2024     Views: 207

Unfortunately, some key databases aren't available via the Healthcare Library. Examples include PsycINFO, Web of Science Core Collection, and Scopus.

The reason for this is financial: i.e. the subscription price quoted by the database provider is too high for the Library's resource budget.

However, some of these databases are accessible to Library staff, because the Library subscribes to the databases for Queen's University Belfast students (database providers tend to quote lower prices for university subscriptions than for health service access).

So, if you need to search any of these databases as part of a literature review or other project, please contact your Specialist Librarian, who will be able to search the databases for you and send you any results that are found.

You can also request a literature search online by clicking the link below.

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